
AdaptivePurpose is a small purpose-driven social enterprise exploring and building capacity in holistic, adaptive and non-linear approaches to change and its measurement. We provide capacity-building and consulting services to change agents and support you on an exploratory path to design transformative initiatives, monitor your progress and capture your impact. Our services include adaptive design, monitoring and evaluation, collaborative system mapping, theory of change. We also offer workshops in applied systems thinking and systems approaches and offer an incubator program for passionate change agents early in their operations.
Solutions / Services
We partner with change agents working towards a regenerative future for our planet and society and support you on an exploratory path to design transformative initiatives, monitor your progress and capture your impact. We use systems thinking and visual methods to help change agents capture and map processes, stakeholders, and influences related to your situation of interest. We focus on adaptive approaches to strategy, design and evaluation to help you better address the dynamic and often complex interplay of relationships, influences and uncertainty which is often present in social and environmental change processes.
What are we looking for?
We are looking to partner with a variety of change agents working towards a regenerative future.
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Status / Progress
Commercial Status:
Initial sales
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Intellectual Property:
Compliance & Certifications:
Latest Report:
Kirsten Bording Collins

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Experiencing Regenerative Organizations