Other Way
United Kingdom
Powering the decarbonisation of how we move people and things.

Other Way has a mission to label every journey and vehicle with a carbon footprint. In doing so, it can inspire anyone to take action to remove carbon from the transport of people and things.
Solutions / Services
Other Way can help you in many ways. Other Way Label - we offer one off data-points for your journeys and vehicles. Other Way Reports - we offer Net Zero reports on your transport emissions baseline and pathways for improving. Other Way Platform - ongoing access to our ever-updating platform for transport data.
What are we looking for?
Other Way is looking to engage with businesses, organisations and community groups. Those looking to help their customers understand the carbon footprint or those with a net zero transport solution. Other Way is building up early stage customers, partners and network.
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Status / Progress
Commercial Status:
Prototype / In development
Fundraising Status:
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