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Strategic collaborations to build a more climate-friendly future

It's time to think big...

Because time is running out!

Impact2030 multi-year initiatives are cooperative ventures between TheClimateSavers and partner organizations to tackle cross-sector, cross-industry, or regional-level climate-change-related challenges which require effective networking and collaboration.

The goal is to help prepare for a climate-changed future while working to catalyze, support & scale collaborations in & between sectors that can alter the trajectory & impact of climate change to stay below 1.5 degrees of warming.

Ready to do something BIG?

Keystone Initiative:
Climate-Smart Health Systems

Clean & Reliable Energy

Minimal Waste

Durable & Smart Building

Healthy Staff

Efficient Logistics

Clean Water

Smart Data

Climate-Ready Smart Hospitals

This initiative provides collaboration opportunities between health system operators and solution providers in a range of fields to make the health sector less impactful on the climate and more climate resilient & adaptable, specifically aiming to scale up climate-ready hospitals in the Caribbean from 50 to 500 by 2030.

Climate-ready/smart "status" aims to achieve well-maintained, durable physical infrastructure with carbon-zero footprint, and healthy staff. This is essential for e
nhanced strategic resilience of health facilities and health systems in the face of advancing climate change and extreme weather events, sea level rises, while healthier staff and enhanced community resilience affords continuity of access to services after extreme weather events for residents and visitors alike.

Climate-Ready Smart Hospitals:

Building climate resiliency into health care

Target geography - Caribbean


Sectors involved - Health system operators; innovation & solution providers in [clean] energy, waste, water, [green] building, food, transport/logistics, operations, staff capacity building/empowerment


Interested in joining us?

Impact2030 events

Impact2030 Strategic Fields

  • Clean energy


  • Hydrogen economy


  • Water


  • Health

  • Agriculture


  • Nature Based Solutions (NBS)


  • Transportation


  • Buildings & Cities

  • Financial services


  • Early-stage innovation ecosystems


  • ESG


  • Carbon trading


"Renewable Water"

Water & Energy: new approaches to using renewable energy to solve water crises


Who is this for?

Health professionals, tech startups, corporate innovation managers, investors involved or interested in:

  • Water (tech, management, desalinization)

  • Clean energy to power desalinization

  • Energy efficiency in water distribution / management

  • Energy from water (biogas from waste water, wave & tidal, etc.)

  • Water, climate change & carbon

  • Innovation & investment



"Blue Carbon: Coastal Ecosystems & Carbon Capture & Storage / Sequestration"

Facilitating large-scale implementation of blue carbon & coastal ecosystem projects for CCS.


Who is this for?

Professional service providers; carbon traders;  ecosystem project stakeholders; regulators; cities; NBS-focused NGOs, etc.



Image by Anne Nygård

"Finance, Insurance & Innovation: Mitigating Climate Change & Risk"

Facilitating collaborations within & between financing, insurance & entrepreneurial ecosystems to address climate change & risk


Who is this for?

Ecosystem managers at startup incubators, accelerators & entrepreneur ecosystems;

VCs, fund managers, insurance companies, banks, etc.;

Early-stage investor ecosystem managers




"Celebration of Partnerships" (COP)

November 2022

Celebrating Collaborations!


A celebration of action, initiative, and vision!


Each day for 1 week during COP27 will be a presentation and celebration of the collaborations in the different strategic fields covered in the Impact2030 events during 2022.


The various collaboration partners will be presenting their projects, enabling networking and creation of new connections to take the collaborations to the next level behind a shared goal - making an impact by 2030 to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees.

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