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Christian Mann
United States of America
Structural engineer, innovator, dreamer, futurist, writer, Dynamic Poet
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Environmental Technician at Central Washington Hospital. Carpenter and cabinet maker. Mechanic engineer. Structural engineer. Sustainable energy innovator. Writer of phenomenal literature not yet represented by literary agents. Dynamic Poet.
I wish and desire to be a part of the solutions from the environmental global crisis' we are facing and social issues that are degrading our humanities.
To start my business installing the one of a kind sustainable energy system in any home or building around the world which will resolve the CO2 crisis around the world. This I attest and assert and proclaim.
We all talk about hope, prayer and faith, but we normally make excuses not to exercise faith, especially courage. Now a voice is rising up who brings global hope with him, what will you, who reads this do? What must be done to build trust quicker?
My other goals are to provide society with the literature that will upgrade most of what is now degraded. This I also attest, proclaim and assert.
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