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Martin Bernstein
United States of America
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Citigroup – Director – Financial Institutions Solutions, December 2014 – present
Private-side role to originate, structure and execute bespoke solutions transactions for financial institutions, including M&A, Structuring and Capital Solutions and Business Development
Citigroup – Director – Head of Bond Portfolio Analysis Group, April 2002 – November 2014
Publishing research strategist role covering bond portfolio strategy; agency and supranational (including green bonds) debt sectors, and defined benefit pensions
Cleantech Open – Mentor and Startup Recruiter, June 2013 – Present
Mentor entrepreneurs with all aspects of business strategy, financial modeling, messaging and funding; maintain ongoing relationships including introductions to investors; recruit startups for the accelerator
Climate Action, Sustainability, Mentoring Startups, Biodiversity, Blue Carbon
I am currently between roles and looking for a position in which I can help investors and corporations put their resources to work addressing climate change, sustainability and other social/environmental challenges.
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Wall Street Green Summit