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How we reduce CARBON

Sri Ramnadh Mandali


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Ramnadh is the Technical Lead of IoT Services & Research Engineer works on Advanced Energy Management and new processes development especially in Energy mangement & Healthcare. Ramnadh has more than 22 years of extensive hands-on experience in failure analysis, engineering design, construction, commissioning and operations, with an emphasis on power generating plants for various OEMs. For the past 14 years, he has been actively involved in data mining, data analysis & fleet management of power plant equipment both domestically and internationally. Ramnadh is currently responsible for the implementation and optimization of Automobile, Healthcare, Aquaculture predictive asset analytics solutions with clients globally.
Memberships in GSFN, GFIN, TRIZ (innovation practioner), EIT-Climate change ( KIC)


Climate change through Innovation and Technologies
Working on Clean Water and Clear water management
Industrial and Universities Relationship and develop for sustainable growth


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