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Isabel Arens
Hi there, I am the founder of World for Climate network. We connect global to regional for collaborative climate action. Try it yourself
Irshad Ahmed
United States of America
Irshad Ahmed, MBA'12, a Chemical & Biological Engineer, is a seasoned entrepreneur having launched over 12 start-ups. He currently serves as the President & CEO of a portfolio of renewable energy and biotechnology companies that are leading the biofuels industry in consolidating the US biodiesel industry. Over the past two decades, his work has integrated advances in agricultural, biological, bioprocessing, chemical, and environmental engineering with public policy, project finance, and business development. He has developed several strategic alliances globally and is well versed in international business.
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SUSTAINETWORK liegt eine lebenswerte Zukunft am Herzen. Wir haben keinen Planeten B!
Als engagierte Unternehmer:Innen fühlen wir uns definierten, nachhaltigen Kriterien verpflichtet. Durch wöchentliche zielorientierte Meetings stärken wir die nachhaltige Wirtschaft in einem immer größer werdenden Netzwerk.
Was macht Sustainetwork anders?
SUSTAINETWORK schafft durch seine wöchentlichen Meetings Verbindlichkeit und durch seine engagierten Unternehmer*innen konkreten, nachhaltigen Fortschritt.
Als einziges Netzwerk definieren wir vier Säulen von Nachhaltigkeit. Neben Ökonomie, Ökologie und Soziales haben wir die Säule Gesundheit mit im Blick. Unsere Überzeugung: Alle vier Bereiche sind untrennbar miteinander verbunden.
AdaptivePurpose is a small purpose-driven social enterprise exploring and building capacity in holistic, adaptive and non-linear approaches to change and its measurement. We provide capacity-building and consulting services to change agents and support you on an exploratory path to design transformative initiatives, monitor your progress and capture your impact. Our services include adaptive design, monitoring and evaluation, collaborative system mapping, theory of change. We also offer workshops in applied systems thinking and systems approaches and offer an incubator program for passionate change agents early in their operations.
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