Welcome to TheClimateSavers Platform. Let's get started!
Create your new Personal / Organization / Event / Collaboration / Faces Gallery profiles below.

Create your Personal & Organization Profiles
Learn more about the different types of profiles BELOW
Step 1. Create your Personal Profile
Provide information about who you are, your professional experience, goals, and more.
* Personal Profile required to be able to create all other profiles
How It Works:
Log-in or sign up to become a member.
Create your Personal profile.
Choose an event / collaboration to display your profile.
Visit Event Networking pages to begin networking!
Step 2. Create your Organization Profile
Provide information about your company, including videos, brochures, presentations, and more.
* Organization profile required to create Event & Collaboration profiles
How It Works:
Log-in or sign up to become a member.
Make sure you already have a Personal profile
Create your Organization profile.
Choose an event / collaboration to display your profile.
Visit Event Networking pages to begin networking!
Created your profiles? Now you can...
Bring people together!
Create event and collaboration profiles
Register your Event *
Organizations can post details about their in-person or online events AND enable their audience to create profiles so they can network and interact with each other at the event.
* Requires Organization profile
How It Works:
Log-in or sign up to become a member.
Make sure you have an Organization profile.
Register your event. Your event networking page is automatically created!
Share the link to your event profile & networking page with your event attendees.
Why host an event with networking?
Present a Group Collaboration Opportunity *
Organizations can present details about a collaboration, activity or goal that requires longer-term cooperation so people interested in collaborating can work together in 1 place.
* Requires Organization profile
How It Works:
Log-in or sign up to become a member
Make sure you have an Organization profile
Create your collaboration profile.
Build your collaboration plan, teams, etc.
Invite your network & onboard your team.
Network with other people & organizations interested in your collaboration.
Networking at an event or collaboration?
Join the Faces Gallery to really stand out!
Learn About TheClimateSavers Profiles

Join the Faces Gallery *
Show yourself in an interesting setting together with a couple sentences about yourself to break the ice and get the conversation rolling!
* Requires Personal profile
Want to see the Faces Gallery? Click here.)
​​TheClimateSavers is a super-flexible online networking and collaboration platform that offers many ways for people to find, connect, and collaborate with each other to address climate change.
First, create any or all of the profiles below, including a/an:
Personal profile where you present your professional expertise and enable people to connect with you. Display your personal profile in open networking areas of events and collaborations of interest to you.
Organization profile with in-depth information about your organization and its activities. Display your organization profile in event and collaboration open networking areas relevant to your organization's activities. Go premium to really stand out with a by-invite-only networking area for your own community/ecosystem. This includes a live discussion forum area that also appears in all your event and collaboration networking areas.
Faces Gallery profile where you can be more personal by sharing an interesting picture and a few sentences about yourself. This is useful when you're attending an event; simply connect your Faces Gallery profile to the event you're attending.
After creating an organization profile, draw people to you by hosting an event or leading a collaboration by creating a/an:
Event profile with information about your event. This includes an open networking area for people and organizations interested in your event topic - your event "attendees" - to network with each other, just like in a real-world exhibition hall. Events organized by premium organizations include a live discussion forum for ongoing discussion before, during and after the event.
Collaboration profile where you can present information and manage a collaboration (team, work documents, workplan, etc.). This includes an open networking area for people and organizations interested in but not directly involved in the collaboration to network with you and with each other. Collaborations led by premium organizations include a live discussion forum for ongoing discussion.
Additional instructions can be found below, on each registration page, and we're always here to help if you have any questions.
Event Registration & Visitor Networking Instructions
Planning an EVENT and want your audience members to also be able to network with each other?
How to register your event, create your event profile page & create your event exhibition page
1. Register your event profile here.
2. After your event has been registered, an event profile page with all event information is automatically created. In addition, an event networking page where your event audience / visitors can network is also automatically created.
To see the event profile page, go to the "My Event Page" (click your name to see this page) and click on the "Click to see your EVENT PROFILE" button.
To see the event exhibition page, go to the "My Event Page" (click your name to see this page) and click on "Click to see your EVENT PAGE" button.
How to invite someone to "exhibit" on your event exhibition page
Companies / organizations in your network can use this form to to create a profile that is listed on your event exhibition page.
People in your network can appear on your event exhibition page so they can interact with each other by using this form to create a short personal profile, and by using this form to create a more detailed professional profile.
Note: Each registration form includes a multiple choice question with a list of all the events / exhibits hosted on TheClimateSavers platform. When you invite someone to join your specific event / exhibition, don't forget to tell them the name of your event that they need to choose so they are displayed on your event exhibition page.
Want to be found (or change how you are found) by other PEOPLE or COMPANIES participating in a specific event?
How to connect your profile to a specific event / exhibition page
1. When you create your Faces Gallery profile, Personal profile or Organizational profile for the 1st time, you can choose which event you want to appear in.
2. To change the event you appear in after creating each of these profiles for the 1st time:
Go to My Personal Profile (click your name to see this page) and in section 4 (Networking) choose the new event you want to appear in. Click submit to update your profile.
Go to My Faces Gallery Profile (click your name to see this page) and in the Networking section n choose the new event / exhibition you want to appear in. Click submit to update your profile.
Go to My Exhibitor Profile (click your name to see this page) and in section 4 (Networking) choose the new event / exhibition you want to appear in. Click submit to update your profile.