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Right climate IMPACT!

We're a community of communities, a global network of interconnected "town squares" where people with passion, vision & drive come together to connect, hold events & discussions, and build collaborations that decelerate climate change.

Image by Jon Tyson

Connect with the right people to make a real impact, together.


Image by Natalie Pedigo

Discover new insights & learn about the latest developments, together.


Achieve a shared vision for a new reality as a team, together.


Meet some of TheClimateSavers


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Mobilizing for change.


What guides us?

We believe that if we want a better future, we need to build it - together - event by event, collaboration by collaboration.
TheClimateSavers facilitates joining up people across silos, with each new connection presenting exciting new opportunities for partnerships that can make an impact.

SDG 17 partnerships.png

Sustainable Development Goal #17 - "Partnerships for the Goals"

Our mission:

To create synergistic partnerships and facilitate networking for business cooperation to accelerate development and deployment of solutions that can decelerate climate change.

Because it's all connected.

EVERYTHING in our climate is interconnected,
which is why we cover 15 fields all connected to climate change.

12 fields

TheClimateSavers focuses on 15 fields related to climate change and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Choose a field to learn more

How CLEAN ENERGY is generated / stored / distributed

Sustainable Development Goal #7:

"Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all."

SDG Target 7a -
Enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil-fuel technology, and promote investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology.

Meet - and join - some of the PEOPLE we recently welcomed to TheClimateSavers...

... as well as some of the ORGANIZATIONS we also recently welcomed.

You too can interact with the community, as well as host, manage, participate & network in EVENTS & COLLABORATIONS.

We're tackling planet-sized challenges.


TheClimateSavers Partners

More coming soon!

(Click the logo to learn more about the partner.)

Want to partner with us?

Email us and let's talk.

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