Collaboration Opportunity Profile
TheClimateSavers Impact2030 Collaboration
How we enable SOCIAL CHANGE
Collaboration initiated by:
Project Status
Commercial Status:
Funding Status:
Project already underway
Funding secured
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Project Information
This collaboration aims to build a critical mass of people and resources working in cooperation to:
1. Bring together entrepreneurs [& corporates] for impactful networking & synergy building
2. Bring together capital for cost-effective impactful deployment
3. Bring together decision makers through awareness raising for impactful policy making
4. Bring together marketing and community group leaders to find ways to encourage and strengthen individuals' faith that their personal [as well as collective] actions can indeed have an impact, and strengthen their resolve to take consistent action
Justification / Need
This collaboration is needed to better connect between stakeholders working on solutions, services, and policies that aim to mitigate or enable adaptation to climate change.
Status Quo
There are currently many stakeholders working across a wide range of fields all related to / impacted by / impacting climate change. According to the IPCC, the current pace of climate change and the time left to take action requires a new approach that emphasizes cooperation and coordination across sectors and stakeholder types.
At the same time, there is a growing sense of futility and despair as the scope and scale of the challenges facing humanity become more widely recognized. As such, it is necessary to also create a sense of faith - at the individual as well as collective levels - that is is indeed possible to have an impact. This is an important part of the collaboration as without faith, mobilizing resources to tackle the challenges ahead become virtually impossible.
Desired Outputs
Greater policy maker awareness of climate change and ability to take regulatory steps that facilitate timely political and market responses combined with pro-active initiatives.
Better networking between entrepreneurs, stakeholders with the ability to scale-up solutions and services, and sources of financing that can be deployed in a cost-effective manner that creates value-added synergies.
Strengthened resolve and faith that individual - as well as collective - actions can indeed have a positive impact.
Financial Overview
What Are We Looking For?
Partners with experience in:
- Social networking
- Public sector education and awareness building
- Media and marketing with an emphasis on climate related issues and B2C marketing strategies
- Event organization / execution experts
- Community groups
Summary comments
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