Welcome to Global ClimateSavers Week 2021!
Accelerating networking and collaborations to decelerate climate change
What is TheClimateSavers?
TheClimateSavers is an always-open global networking platform t
The Climate Savers Network brings together:
Government offices dealing with policy, planning, regulations, etc. connected to climate-change-related fields
Anyone who cares about climate change!

All Sustainable Development Goals

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International Sustainable Leaders MeetUp
Manager-For-Future in cooperation with SUSTAINETWORK
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Roundtable Discussion

Klimaschutz komfortabel und mit sofortiger Wirkung
SUSTAINETWORK in Kooperation mit Senol Agac
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Innovation Matching Event

CSR-Wirtschaftliche Verantwortung nachhaltig erfolgreich gestalten. Wie gelingt der Wandel in der Wirtschaft?
SUSTAINETWORK in Ko-Operation mit Katja Hofmann
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Innovation Matching Event

Art, Community, Technology (ACT) for Social Justice
Jeff Knowunzy
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Roundtable Discussion

Experiencing Regenerative Organizations
Plura Consulting
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CEng Shreekant Patil
Active in ALL fields
Founder, Startup India Mentor (Govt of India Initiative), UN SDG Ambassador, Consultant at EU, EUGM, Advisor at EBRD, Euro Exim Bank, ADB, AfDB.

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CE Shreekant Patil is founder at PARENTNashik, Chartered Engineer with DGFT, Valuer, with 30 years of industrial experience now Mentor at Govt of India Initiatives: MAARG, BHASKAR, Startup India, WEP, STPI, BIRAC, AYE, MeitY Startup Hub, Certified LEAN, ZED, TEV Consultant, Euro Exim Bank, AfDB, Asian Development Bank, SIDBI, United Nations, European Commissions, Registered (Govt of India) Trainer, Assessor at NSDC (Skill India), PoP at UGC, Volunteer Startup Mentor at AICTE – Vidyanjali Programme, Independent Director, Chartered Engineer, Valuer, Niryat Bandhu, Udyami Mitra at Khadi India, member at International Trade Council – Business for innovation & technology, member, reviewer, mentor at Asian Council of Science Editors, IFERP, Global Harmonization Initiative, Cluster collaboration- EU, Sustainability Ambassador for UNSDG – SPSC.
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AdaptivePurpose is a small purpose-driven social enterprise exploring and building capacity in holistic, adaptive and non-linear approaches to change and its measurement. We provide capacity-building and consulting services to change agents and support you on an exploratory path to design transformative initiatives, monitor your progress and capture your impact. Our services include adaptive design, monitoring and evaluation, collaborative system mapping, theory of change. We also offer workshops in applied systems thinking and systems approaches and offer an incubator program for passionate change agents early in their operations.
Solutions / Services
We partner with change agents working towards a regenerative future for our planet and society and support you on an exploratory path to design transformative initiatives, monitor your progress and capture your impact. We use systems thinking and visual methods to help change agents capture and map processes, stakeholders, and influences related to your situation of interest. We focus on adaptive approaches to strategy, design and evaluation to help you better address the dynamic and often complex interplay of relationships, influences and uncertainty which is often present in social and environmental change processes.
What are we looking for?
We are looking to partner with a variety of change agents working towards a regenerative future.

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Evolutesix is a for-profit, for-impact driven organisation on a bold mission to create an inclusive economy that works for all, by growing ecosystems of regenerative, adaptive startups and individuals addressing our social and environmental challenges.
Solutions / Services
We are launching a Startup Factory comprising a 3 month programme for individuals and teams as well as a 6 month Accelerator for startup teams, and a growth programme for established organisations in the ecosystem; with the pre-seed to series A investment coming from our own investment vehicle. Our unique contribution is the AOM (Adaptive Organisation Methodology), the regenerative legal structure of incorporation (FairShares Commons), the investment thesis and structure, and the integration with all the other aspects of building regenerative businesses.
What are we looking for?
We are looking for anyone interested in becoming a founder of a regenerative business or wanting to work in, or contribute to one. We are also currently seeking investment into the whole ecosystem of regerenative startups (rather than investment into just one or a couple of individual startups).

3ec-TV, a television with a difference!
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Gold Exhibitor
3ec-TV is an independent innovative international generalist bilingual (English-French) TV channel with a humanistic vision and ecology-oriented, which collaborates with recognized institutions and NGOs, and supported by committed personalities around the world. The channel is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
3ec-TV is in the fundraising phase (information pages: https://3ec-tv.com)
We offer unique opportunities and partnerships.
Solutions / Services
3ec-TV channel (which is being set up in France, launch in 2023) will broadcast UHD/HD programs in French and English simultaneously in France and abroad via internet / applications, cable, satellite.
3ec-TV, whose operations are based on its Code of Ethics, will broadcast humanistic and ecological content as a cross-disciplinary theme on all platforms / screens.
What are we looking for?
Fulfil the needs of a demanding public worldwide who seeks an inspiring ecology-oriented content, develop potential collaborations with NGOs, offer partnerships to ethical and environmentally-friendly companies and committed individuals who share 3ec-TV values (ex. ‘media for equity’ deals), propose co-productions of relevant audiovisual content.

Our Amazing Partners & Sponsors Giving A Helping Hand!
Global ClimateSavers Week 2021 is made possible in part through the generous support and helping hands of all our partners and sponsors.
Platinum Sponsors
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Gold Sponsors
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Silver Sponsors
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Ambassador Sponsors
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